oops! guess amidst life happening we let this blog slide. sorry! its been a good month - recruiting is pretty much over, retreats have been going well, and summer's on the way! yesterday was jareds' birthday - happy 27th husby! i spent last week down in the cities for a much needed break to reconnect w/family and friends. we celebrated my grandpas' 89th birthday, we celebrated my little brothers' engagement, and we celebrated being together. we haven't been back to the cities since christmas, so it was a wonderful reunion. then yesterday jared drove down to fargo, and i drove up to fargo, and we had a birthday party for him and his mom. tomorrow we'll caravan back up to camp.
nysse is still the best dog ever. next month she starts puppy school!! i'll take her everymonday night for 8 weeks. i can't wait! there's a dance studio right around the corner with an adult hiphop class right after her puppy school, and a starbucks in the parking lot, so i'll make a night of it. i will be going full time at camp for the summer and i'm really excited about that! i'll be co-summer director (alongside jared), in charge of staff development, and helping in the office - all stuff i probably would have done anyway but now i'll get paid for it! yippee! :) we have been trying to be a little healthier at casa de rendell, so prayers that we would be able to stick to our resolutions and reach our goals would be appreciated!
we miss our family and friends in the cities and fargo area. we think about you and pray for you often. please let us know if there are ever ways we can specifically pray for you! and leave comments on the blog - it's really great to know if people are reading it :)
anna, jared & nysse